$10,000 IPNA Congress Matching Gift Challenge

Have you been waiting to support the 17th Congress of the International Pediatric Nephrology Association in Iguaçu, Brazil? The time to act is now! Phyllis and Rick Kaskel are challenging ASPN members to support ASPN Foundation Fellow Travel Grants to the IPNA Congress in September, and they will DOUBLE your tax deductible gift with a matching gift of their own.

Now is the time to double the impact of your support of future leaders of Pediatric Nephrology and the ASPN Foundation. This will be an unparalleled opportunity for trainees to attend the premier international meeting in our field, broaden their exposure to pediatric nephrology concepts and issues and deepen their understanding of global pediatric nephrology concerns and opportunities. Please give now!

Many thanks!

ASPN Foundation Officers
F. Bruder Stapleton, Chair, ASPN Foundation
Frederick J. Kaskel, Vice Chair, ASPN Foundation
Sandra Watkins, Secretary/Treasurer, ASPN Foundation