Awards and Grants
Honorary Awards
In 1996, the American Society of Pediatric Nephrology (ASPN) began bestowing a Founders’ Award at the annual ASPN meeting. The purpose of this award is to recognize individuals who have made a unique and lasting contribution to the field of pediatric nephrology. Nominations are received from the membership. The recipient is selected by an Awards Committee composed of the ASPN President, two past presidents, who are not currently on the Council and three at large members appointed by Council. In addition to being recognized at the annual meeting, the recipient of the Founders’ Award receives a cash donation to be used at his/her discretion, 2 nights lodging, free registration and round trip airfare to the annual meeting.
Candidates must fulfill the following conditions:
- Must be an active or honorary member of the ASPN
- Must be greater than 55 years of age
- Must have made significant clinical, scientific and/or leadership contributions to the field of pediatric nephrology
- Must have contributed significantly to the ASPN by promoting its activities to assure a continuing role for its members in science as well as in specialized health care for children with kidney disease.
Nominations should include curriculum vitae from the nominee and a letter describing the individual's contribution.
Nominees will be reconsidered for the Founders’ Award, without the need for re-nomination, for five years after their initial nomination.
Nominations should be submitted here. The deadline is 11/15/24.
ASPN Founders’ Award Recipients
2024 Patrick Brophy, M.D.
2023 Blanche Chavers, M.D.
2022 Victoria Norwood, M.D.
2021 Sharon Andreoli, M.D.
2020 Joseph Flynn, M.D.
2019 Bradley Warady, M.D.
2018 H. William Schnaper, M.D.
2017 Sharon Perlman, M.D. and Sandra Watkins, M.D.
2016 Ellis Avner, M.D. and Frederick Kaskel, M.D., Ph.D
2015 Aaron L. Friedman, MD
2014 Robert L. Chevalier, M.D.
2013 William Harmon, M.D. and José Strauss, M.D.
2012 Julie R. Ingelfinger, M.D.
2011 F. Bruder Stapleton, M.D.
2010 Eileen D. Brewer, M.D.
2009 Jean Robillard, M.D. and Fred G. Smith, Jr., M.D.
2008 Robert L. Vernier, M.D. and Clark D. West, M.D.
2007 Richard N. Fine, M.D.
2006 Barbara R. Cole, M.D. and Adrian Spitzer, M.D.
2005 Russell W. Chesney, M.D.
2004 Billy S. Arant, Jr., M.D.
2003 Alan B. Gruskin, M.D.
2002 Norman J. Siegel, M.D.
2000 John E. Lewy, M.D.
1999 Jay Bernstein, M.D.
1998 Chester M. Edelmann , Jr., M.D.
1997 Malcolm A. Holliday, M.D.
1996 Ira Greifer, M.D.
The Henry L. Barnett Award recognizes a pediatric nephrologist for outstanding teaching and clinical care for children with kidney disease.
2024 - Samir El-Dahr, MD
2023 - Tej Mattoo, MD
2022 - Eileen Brewer MD
2021 - John Mahan, MD
2020 - Victoria Norwood, MD
2019 - Joseph Flynn, MD
2018 - Sharon Andreoli, MD
2017 - Isidro Salusky, MD
2016 - Barbara Fivush, MD
2015 - Bradley Warady, MD
2014 - Denis Geary, MD
2013 - Robert L. Chevalier, MD
2012 - Sandra Watkins, MD
2011 - James C.M. Chan, MD
2010 - Aaron Friedman, MD
2009 - Julie Ingelfinger, MD
2008 - Ellis Avner, MD
2007 - William Harmon, MD
2006 - Jose Strauss, MD
2005 - Adrian Spitzer, MD
2004 - Russell Chesney, MD
2003 - Richard N. Fine, MD
2002 - Alan B. Gruskin, MD
2001 - No Award Given
2000 - Shane Roy III, MD
1999 - John Lewy, MD
1998 - Malcolm Holliday, MD
1997 - Jay Bernstein, MD
1996 - No Award Given
1995 - Clarke D. West, MD
1994 - Wallace McCrory, MD
Note: Name Changed to Henry L. Barnett Award (1994)
1993 - Robert L. Vernier, MD
1992 - Henry L. Barnett, MD and Ira Greifer, MD
1991 - Jack Metcoff, MD
1990 - Section on Nephrology establishes "The Kidney Award"
Recognizes an individual who has made significant contributions to the ASPN community.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Active member of ASPN for at least the past 5 years
- History of service to ASPN
- Current ASPN Council members are not eligible
- Prior Founders Award awardees are not eligible
To nominate a candidate, submit one letter of nomination and the nominee’s curriculum vitae here. Self-nominations are encouraged. In the letter of nomination please describe the candidate’s involvement in ASPN and other relevant information on why they are deserving of the honor.
Nominations for 2025 awards are due November 15, 2024. The recipients will be selected by the ASPN Awards Committee. Announcement of the award winners will be made at the PAS/ASPN Annual Meeting and winners will receive a plaque and an honorarium.
2024 Awardee - Kim Reidy, MD
2023 Awardee - Sharon Bartosh, MD
Recognizes an individual whose work advances equity, social justice, and advocacy in the field of pediatric nephrology.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Active member of ASPN for at least the past 5 years
- History of service to ASPN
- Current ASPN Council members are not eligible
- Prior Founders Award awardees are not eligible
To nominate a candidate, submit one letter of nomination and the nominee’s curriculum vitae here. Self-nominations are encouraged. In the letter of nomination please describe the candidate’s involvement in ASPN and other relevant information on why they are deserving of the honor.
Nominations for 2025 awards are due November 15, 2024. The recipients will be selected by the ASPN Awards Committee. Announcement of the award winners will be made at the PAS/ASPN Annual Meeting and winners will receive a plaque and an honorarium.
2024 Awardee: Sarah Swartz, MD
2023 Awardee: Ray Bignall, MD
Recognizes an individual who has made significant contributions to the field of pediatric nephrology through their clinical service, research, or education of trainees and or/junior faculty.
- Mid career – Between 10-20 years from completion of training
Eligibility Criteria:
- Active member of ASPN for at least the past 5 years
- History of service to ASPN
- Current ASPN Council members are not eligible
- Prior Founders Award awardees are not eligible
To nominate a candidate, submit one letter of nomination and the nominee’s curriculum vitae here. Self-nominations are encouraged. In the letter of nomination please describe the candidate’s involvement in ASPN and other relevant information on why they are deserving of the honor.
Nominations for 2025 awards are due November 15, 2024. The recipients will be selected by the ASPN Awards Committee. Announcement of the award winners will be made at the PAS/ASPN Annual Meeting and winners will receive a plaque and an honorarium.
2024 Awardee - David Hains, MD
2023 Awardee - Michelle Denberg, MD
Funding Opportunities
Fellows presently enrolled in an ACGME-approved pediatric nephrology training program are eligible to receive complimentary meeting registration. If they are the first author of an abstract that is accepted for poster or platform presentation at the ASPN meeting, an additional $100 will be awarded.
Application must be submitted as directed in the abstract submission platform.
Two ASPN Trainee Research Awards will be given of equal value. Medical students, residents, or fellows who are pursuing combined clinical and research training towards becoming a pediatric nephrologist are eligible. One award will recognize the best abstract on patient-oriented research and one the best basic science abstract, based on the quality of the work. The awards will consist of cash awards, partially paid travel expenses, and complimentary registrations. Candidates for the Trainee Research Award will be solicited during the Call for Abstracts. Award cannot be received in two consecutive years.
Candidates must fulfill the following conditions:
Must be a medical student, resident or fellow pursuing combined clinical and research training toward becoming a pediatric nephrologist.
First authorship on an abstract submitted to the ASPN/PAS Annual Meeting in the field of pediatric nephrology that is accepted for presentation.
Awardees will be expected to present their abstract at one of the nephrology “Free Communication” sessions at the annual ASPN/PAS meeting.
Presentation of the awards will take place at the ASPN Awards Luncheon.
Application Process:
Medical Students and Resident—Written confirmation of their educational/training status.
Submission of a completed ASPN Trainee Research Application Form (included with the PAS “call for abstracts”).
Complete submission packet must be RECEIVED as directed in the submission program
Deadline coincides with the PAS abstract submission deadline.
ASPN sponsors residents and selected other non-fellow trainees to attend the annual ASPN/PAS meeting.
Stipends to partially support travel ($500) and complimentary registration are given on a competitive basis. Applicants must be medical students, pediatric residents, chief residents, or med-peds residents currently enrolled in an ACGME-accredited pediatric residency program. Priority is given to those trainees earlier in their education (i.e., PL-1 and PL-2). This grant is restricted to a one-time acceptance. Applicants must commit to attend the entire meeting if selected.
The request to be considered must include the following:
- Recommendation by an Active member of the ASPN who agrees to accompany the trainee to the meeting.
- Applicant’s curriculum vitae.
- One page statement from the candidate describing his/her interest and possible career plans in pediatric nephrology.
Applications can be submitted here.…grant-award-2025/
Nominations must be submitted by Friday, January 31, 2025.