
Your gift will be put toward the greatest needs of the Foundation and will enable the expansion of research and educational programs within the ASPN.

Purpose of the Foundation

In 2015, the ASPN Foundation was created as an expansion of the John E. Lewy Foundation and now serves as the fundraising arm of the entire ASPN. Through the Foundation, we are able to expand beyond advocacy to broaden our support of research and educational programs of all kinds for trainees, practitioners, and scientists within the field of Pediatric Nephrology. We are also able to accept tax deductible gifts and take advantage of our nonprofit status for educational events.


Please take a few minutes to look at the History of the International Pediatric Nephrology Association: A Lifecourse Journey, a presentation given by Rick Kaskel, MD., PhD, Chief Emeritus, Children’s Hospital at Montefiore, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, at the 18th IPNA Congress Venice, Italy, October 17-21, 2019.