Top academic pediatricians, policymakers, and clinicians utilize a variety of innovative approaches to address high-quality, scholarly topics of interest to the broad constituencies attending the PAS Meeting. All Scholarly Sessions will be 90 minutes.




NEW THIS YEAR: Speakers presenting 30 minutes or longer will receive speaker support. For more information on the please view our PAS Speaker Support Policy. Choose session speakers from within the PAS community. PAS strongly encourages Scholarly Session Submitters to select members of partner societies (AAP/APA/APS/SPR) or Alliance societies (ASPN/PIDS) when selecting presenters for sessions.

Session submitters will not be able to complete a session submission until all required tasks are completed. The three required tasks to be completed by the submitter of the session and each speaker in the session are:

  1. Profile Participation Information
  2. Conflict of Interest – Important COI Information  
  3. Acknowledgment

All submitters are expected to give proactive attention to DEI as sessions are planned. See the PAS Commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for full details.

Collaborate with other specialties. Presentations that cross multiple specialties are always well received by the PAS community. If your science touches other specialties consider reaching out to one of our Program Committee Members to discuss collaborating on a scholarly session with their specialty. Submissions from our international colleagues are especially welcome.

Need help with creating an account or submitting a Scholarly Session? Watch our video tutorials for a quick how-to!