How to Apply

Applicants must submit a completed application that includes:

  • Application form (below)
  • 2-page personal statement that addresses the following:
    • How did you become interested in advocacy/policy/government affairs?
      • Please comment specifically on previous committee work or advocacy efforts on behalf of the ASPN, if applicable.
      • Describe all previous advocacy experiences.
      • Describe any graduate level coursework referable to the focus of this program
    • What skills and knowledge do you hope to obtain as a result of this opportunity?
    • How will this experience enhance your professional development and career?
    • Have you completed a similar formal skills training program in the past? If so, please describe.
  • CV
  • Letter of support from your Division Chief or Fellowship Director that addresses the following:
    • Interest and promise of the applicant in terms of leadership potential.
    • Commitment to provide the applicant, if successful, protected time to participate in the program and requisite post-program ASPN activities
    • Commitment from the Scholar’s home institution to provide financial support for the applicant’s participation in the program, in the amount of $1500.00 each year for two years.
  • Following an initial screening of the application, selected applicants will be expected to participate in a 10-15 minute phone interview with the review committee.