Clinical Affairs & Practice Management Committee

  • Identifies issues relevant to contemporary clinical care of children with kidney disease to share with both the ASPN membership and the medical community at large.
  • Serves as a task force for the Council to evaluate clinical issues deemed of particular importance to ASPN and its membership.
  • Makes recommendations based on expert opinion and membership consensus to maintain and improve standards of quality clinical care for children with kidney disease.
  • Serves as liaison to other professional groups and organizations developing clinical guidelines or consensus statements impacting care of children with kidney disease.
  • Serves as liaison to organizations developing educational materials about pediatric kidney disease for both medical professionals and the public.
  • Works in collaboration with the Public Policy committee to educate ASPN membership about clinical practice issues, especially issues related to quality care, expected standards of care, and reimbursement.
  • Works in collaboration with the Program Committee to develop symposia focused on issues relevant to the clinical practice of pediatric nephrology.

The Clinical Affairs Committee shall consist of 3 Council appointed Chairs (1 Chair & 2 Co-Chairs) not on Council, a Council Liaison and volunteer members. Chairs will serve 3 year staggered terms. Terms may be renewable at the discretion of the Council. Selection of the Chair positions should consider expertise in practice management and/or membership in the AAP SoN (Executive Committee) as applicable.

Committee News

Interim Guidance on PD Solution Conservation During Supply Shortage
October 7, 2024

Dear ASPN Members, In light of the recent flooding and subsequent closure of Baxter’s North Cove manufacturing facility, we are anticipating shortages in peritoneal dialysis (PD) solutions. The ASPN Clinical…

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