
Anna Williams
Claudia Mosquera
Melissa Zhou
Claudia MosqueraCo-Chair
Melissa ZhouCo-Chair


Oana Nicoara
Adam Weinstein
Dorota Marchel
Hannah Kim
Laura Betcherman
Uthaiwan Khongkhanin
Mathieu Lemaire
Elizabeth Onugha
Eliza Blanchette
Oana Nicoara
Adam Weinstein
Dorota Marchel
Hannah Kim
Laura Betcherman
Elizabeth Onugha
Eliza Blanchette
Brittany Lattanza
Christel Wekon-Kemeni
Siddharth Shah
Lillian Mauroner
Gauri Kulkarni
Vanessa Thiel
Nicole Vegh
Monica Sinkovich
Jennifer Varner
Haley Myers
Kayla Erspamer

All ASPN Fellows

The Pediatric Fellows in Nephrology Association (pFeNa) is an informal group that includes all pediatric nephrology fellows throughout the duration of their fellowship. An established component of the American Society of Pediatric Nephrology (ASPN), pFeNa meets at the national conferences of the ASPN and American Society of Nephrology (ASN). They participate in ASPN activities on an ongoing basis. pFeNa has reaffirmed the following goals:

To expand the information for nephrology fellows on the ASPN website.

To arrange social events at the national meetings for fellows and prospective fellows (residents) to meet each other and ‘network.

To work with the ASPN Training and Certification Committee to enhance fellowship recruitment and training outcomes.

As such, pFeNa representatives are encouraged to participate on a number of ASPN committees, in particular those areas related to training, research, workforce, and website development.

Committee Leadership Resources

Click here to access.