ASPN/PAS Annual Meeting 2025

Please encourage your pediatric residents and pediatric nephrology fellows to attend our annual meeting.

  • Two prestigious trainee research awards will be presented during the 2025 Annual Meeting in Honolulu, HI (April 25-28, 2025).
  • Pediatric residents are eligible for free registration and travel support.
  • Pediatric nephrology fellows who are first author on an accepted abstract receive free registration and a stipend.

If you have any questions, contact the ASPN Office by email to


Trainee Research Award

Two ASPN Trainee Research Awards are presented at the annual meeting of ASPN at PAS. Medical students, residents, and pediatric nephrology fellows at the time of submission are eligible. One award recognizes the best abstract on patient-oriented research and one the best basic science abstract. The awards consist of cash awards, partially paid travel expenses, and complimentary meeting registrations. Candidates for the Trainee Research Award are solicited during the Call for Abstracts.

Abstract Submission Deadline is November 4, 2024.


Resident Travel Grant Award

ASPN sponsors residents and selected other non-fellow trainees to attend the annual ASPN/PAS meeting.

Stipends to partially support travel ($500) and complimentary registration are given on a competitive basis. Applicants must be medical students, pediatric residents, chief residents, or med-peds residents currently enrolled in an ACGME-accredited pediatric residency program. Priority is given to those trainees earlier in their education (i.e., PL-1 and PL-2). This grant is restricted to a one-time acceptance. Applicants must commit to attend the entire meeting if selected.

The request to be considered must include the following:

  • Recommendation by an Active member of the ASPN who agrees to accompany the trainee to the meeting.
  • Applicant’s curriculum vitae.
  • One page statement from the candidate describing his/her interest and possible career plans in pediatric nephrology.


Applications can be submitted here.…grant-award-2025/

Nominations must be submitted by Friday, January 31, 2025.


Complimentary Fellow Registration and Fellow Research Presentation Award

ASPN will cover registration and provide a $100 honorarium for fellows presently enrolled in ACGME-approved pediatric nephrology training programs who are first author on an accepted abstract.